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Mission and Vision Statement

Our vision for Mount Calvary is to show the love of Jesus Christ to our fellow man and how his love has changed our lives. The Great Commission to go into all the world and preach the Gospel is my top priority. We want to see the lost won to Christ. After they are saved we want to concentrate on building their lives with Godly character. The most effective way this will be accomplished is to teach each convert that they need to receive the Comforter the Holy Ghost. Jesus said, "It is expedient for you that I go away, the Comforter will not come unto you: but if depart I will send him to you. (John 16:7). We believe in the five-fold ministry and that every gift should be operating in the church. I believe that an atmosphere should be set to allow saints and newly converted saints an avenue to grow in the gifts and abilities that God has given them.


We also want to see the body of Christ unified. We can see this come to pass by making every attempt to cross racial, denominational and social boundaries to let our community know that everybody truly is somebody at Mount Calvary and that God and the members of this church do care about there lives now and in the future. Together we can be a mighty kingdom for Christ and do mighty things for the kingdom of God. As Paul said. "Forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which before. I press toward the mark, for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. (Philippians. 3:13,14). I would like to see the stereotype of this church as a family church and a black church totally erased from the thoughts of the people in this area. This is going to take some effort from our part and willingness to let go of some control. We need to have qualified Holy Ghost filled people in offices that want to see the church thrive and grow.


As a church, our call is to love everyone. It doesn't matter about their background or their ethnicity, we need to show them God's love and how he through Jesus Christ has changed our lives and He will change his or her life also.

our pastors:
Melvin Johnson

Lead Pastor


Dianna Johnson

First Lady


Gaynelle Carter Heath

Assistant Pastor


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